As you may know, I plan on competing in my 2nd NPC Bikini Competition on April 13th. I decided that I wanted to start my prep on January 5th, thus giving me 14 full weeks to diet down for the show. I picked 14 weeks to allow for one extra week compared to contest prep for my last show, in which I dieted for 13 weeks.
Let's just say I tend to start out with the best of intentions. But it doesn't always work that way. I took "Before" pictures on 1/7 and compared them with my starting point from my previous prep. Initially I was bummed that I weighed nearly the same as starting out last prep, but after comparing the pictures, I quickly realized that while the scale doesn't show much difference (just three pounds), the pictures do show differences. Here is my starting point this time (on the right) compared with my first show (on the left).
I know I'm nowhere near stage ready, but seeing these comparison pics made me a little cocky. I sort of thought "I dont have to work as hard this time..." since I'm already ahead of the game. This mindset made me self-sabotage this week and deviate from my plan.
Today marked the start of a new week, and marked 13 weeks out from show date (recognize that number?) I did well with my macros for food, did a glute-focused lower body workout, and 35mins of cardio today. I plan on updating regularly on here and posting progress pictures every 10-14days.
Thanks for following!